Therapy Harp Training Program - Terms and Conditions

Important documents for THTP students and graduates - please read

1. Terms of Agreement

2. Code of Conduct

3. Refund Policy

4. Complaints Policy

1. Terms of Agreement

1. I understand that the Therapy Harp Training Program (THTP) is an online, self-paced course for adults over the age of 18 years. I am responsible for my own learning and progress. I understand that THTP is online and that an up-to-date computer and internet service are required to engage in the course. The books required for the program are at my own expense. When at work in a facility I may need a Working With Vulnerable People Card or its equivalent, public liability insurance and First Aid training.

2. Acceptance onto the Program and the payment of Fees will not be a guarantee that I will graduate or be certified. I need to complete all THTP course requirements within the 3-year time limit in order to graduate. 

3. I will need to keep in contact by email, by submitting work and/or attending scheduled group sessions via Zoom so that my active student status stays current. I understand that if I do not meet this criteria and have not submitted a Request for Leave of Absence, my active student status will be discontinued and I will need to re-apply to continue the course. 

4. I understand that THTP is inclusive and respectful of all individuals. While training to be a Certified Healthcare Musician, and when I graduate, I will always show respect to the patient or client. I will not make assumptions about the health status, lifestyle, religious affiliation or values of the patient, staff or family. I will not project my own values and beliefs onto the patient. I will be aware of my unconscious biases. I will understand the role of a healthcare musician. I will play my music using the skills I have learned in the course, and work within the THTP Code of Conduct stated in the Terms and Conditions.

5. I will clarify that I am enrolled in the Therapy Harp Training Program and that on completion, I will graduate as a Certified Healthcare Musician. I understand that I am not studying to become a Music Therapist, which is a different course of study and certification. The terms used for harp therapists can include ‘healthcare musician’, 'therapeutic musician' and/or ‘clinical musician’.

6. I will not share any emails that I receive from the Therapy Harp Training Program. I will not share the Therapy Harp Training Program course content ‘the Program’, Student Terms of Agreement and Code of Conduct, passwords, workbooks or any other proprietary information or intellectual property with any third party.

7. I understand that Unit prices may increase from time to time.


2. Therapy Harp Training Program - Code of Conduct

  1. The patient (or client) is at the centre of my work as a therapeutic musician. I will understand the rights of the patient and treat each patient in a non-judgmental manner.

    I will remember that each person is an individual with their own values, ideas, religious or spiritual beliefs and cultural backgrounds, and I will not discuss my own values or beliefs with them.

    I will provide healthcare music to those who have given me permission, invited me to play, or for whom a session was advised. I will understand the role of a Certified Healthcare Musician and keep within the parameters as stated herein.

2. I will communicate openly and respectfully with patients, their families, healthcare providers and facility personnel. I will respect each person I meet, and I understand that people will have differing beliefs, values and cultural backgrounds, including gender, race, age, disability, nationality, sexual orientation and religion.

3. I will do work only for which I am qualified (in this case, a Certified Healthcare Musician). I will immediately clarify my qualifications, if my training and/or qualifications are incorrectly stated.

4. I will consider all information that I hear directly or indirectly concerning a patient, their families or any member of the hospital/facility staff to be confidential.

5. I will be aware that I am working with people at a vulnerable time in their lives and I will need to maintain a professional distance while being compassionate and inclusive.

6. I will take responsibility for my own physical and emotional health and wellbeing.

7. I will continue my education as a healthcare musician (through Continuing Education Units) to maintain my certification and to strengthen and broaden my skills and self-development.

8. I will abide by and uphold the standards and traditions of the Therapy Harp Training Program.


3. Refund Policy

THTP only refunds tuition fees under exceptional circumstances, and an application for a refund may only be made within a 7 day period from the date of enrolment. Any refund during this 7 day grace period will be less the $100.00 USD processing fee. No refunds will be available after the 7 day grace period.


4. Complaints Policy

In accordance with the Therapy Harp Training Program's procedures, THTP will make every attempt to resolve any student complaint that is not frivolous or without merit. Complaint procedures will be included in the training information assuring that all students know the steps to follow should they desire to register a complaint at any time. Evidence of final resolution of all complaints will be retained in THTP files in order to determine the frequency, nature, and patterns of complaints for the training program.

The following procedure outlines the specific steps of the complaint process.

  1. The student should register the complaint in writing within 30 days of the date that the act which is the subject of the grievance or complaint occurred.

  2. The complaint needs to be emailed to the Director.

  3. The complaint will be reviewed by the Director and a response will be sent in writing to the student within 30 days of receiving the complaint. The initial response may not provide for final resolution of the problem but will notify the student of continued investigation and/or actions being taken regarding the complaint.

  4. If the complaint is of such nature that it cannot be resolved by the Director, it will be referred to an appropriate agency, if applicable.
    Depending on the extent and nature of the complaint, interviews with appropriate staff and other students may be necessary to reach a final resolution of the complaint.

  5. In cases of extreme conflict, it may be necessary to conduct an informal hearing regarding the complaint. If necessary, management will appoint a hearing committee consisting of one member selected by the training program who has had no involvement in the dispute and who may also be another member who may not be related to the student filing the complaint or another student in the training program, and another member who may not be employed by the training program or related to the training program owner. The hearing will occur within 90 days of committee appointment. The hearing will be informal with the student presenting his/her case followed by the training program's response. The hearing committee will be allowed to ask questions of all involved parties. Within 15 days of the hearing, the committee will prepare a report summarising the testimony of each witness, and a recommended resolution for the dispute. THTP program management shall consider the report and either accept, reject, or modify the recommendations of the committee. The Director shall consider the report and either accept, reject, or modify the recommendations of the committee.

  6. Students must exhaust the training program’s internal complaint process before submitting the complaint to the training program’s accrediting agency, if applicable.

As a Student of the Therapy Harp Training Program, I understand the above statements and I agree to follow the guidelines as described.

Please sign and date a copy of this document on enrolment.

Contact details: [email protected]